
Holiday Beads & Pendants

No kidding, its already that time…

These are all special order only. Email me for pricing and when they will be available; right now I’m working on a huge lot of Buckeyes for Kris and Barb.

Dreydl – Has all letters. Approximately 1″ long, hangs from a sterling silver loop.

Hawai’i Dreaming

Actually, I am perfectly happy here in Taos, but have still been looking at tropical flowers. I’ll be starting another set of orchids soon. I also think bug-eating plants might be fun…

Hibiscus: This is actually a pendant, with a loop on the back. I’ve just added it to Etsy (link on the right hand side of this window). One 54mm focal bead or pendant. It is waiting for your own beaded necklace design.

Made of pyrex/borosilicate. Striped pinks and whites. Very subtle coloring. The back of this piece has a small piece of crud imbedded into the glass. It doesn’t change the structural quality of it at all, but looks a little messy. As a result, this piece is a little less than it would otherwise be.

New Class!
I just added the following new class to 1Stop Bead Shop.

Ndebele Cubes Bracelet with Peyote Stitch Toggle Clasp

Use Japanese cube beads, Czech glass seeds & Czech pressed glass to make your own version of this bracelet. Students should just about complete the bracelet in class (no kidding… How often does THAT happen with one of my classes?) It will meet December 11, 10am-2pm. It is a level 3 class. Prerequisite: even flat peyote knowledge. The dark purple sample will be in the store pretty soon – I am mailing it tomorrow morning.

Click on the photos to see a larger version!

If you can’t make the class, or just want to learn the toggle, I’ve also added the tutorial for each to my Etsy account (the full bracelet tutorial also includes the toggle clasp). Once again, look in the right hand column for a link to my Etsy account.